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I will provide a service
Replacement of door closers in Kyiv, repair of door closers, shutters, doors, windows, Kyiv
Замена доводчиков киев, ремонт доводчиков, ролет, дверей, окон
I will provide a service

Replacement of door closers in Kyiv, repair of door closers, blinds, doors, windows, Kyiv

Region: Kyiv (Kyiv)
Replacement of door closers in Kyiv, repair of door closers, shutters, doors, windows
We will adjust, repair, adjust, and replace your door closer quickly and efficiently. Also, we provide repair services, adjustment of windows, doors, roller shutters. You can contact us if you have: a broken window, a broken shutter, a window that closes poorly, a window that opens poorly, a window that swings back poorly, a sash that rubs, a sash that sticks, a window that closes tightly, a window that opens tightly, if you need window adjustment, door adjustment, will fix the window, fix the shutter, fix the door if you don't open the window, don't close the window, don't open the shutter, don't close the shutter.
Shop, contacts
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Prepayment or super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
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ID объявления: #386862 (added by a registered user, registration date: 11-12-2011)
Added/Updated: 20-03-2024 15:08  (relevant, until: 20-03-2025)
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