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 / Agricultural services  / Storage farm. production  / Storage of vegetables, fruits, berries in refrigerators...
I will provide a service
Storage of vegetables, fruits, berries in refrigerated containers, Odesa region.
Хранение овощей, фруктов, ягод в рефрижераторных контейнерах
Хранение овощей, фруктов, ягод в рефрижераторных контейнерах
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I provide a service

Storage of vegetables, fruits, berries in refrigerated containers, Odesa region.

Region: Odessa region.
Updated:| ||145
Storagevegetables,fruits,berries in refrigerated containers at temperatures of +25 - 25 C
Help in organizing a warehouse, storing vegetables in compliance with storage technologies
more information http://refholod.com.ua/
Author, contacts
Yuliya / отзывы, инфо. / activity evaluation
Phone: 0634xxxxxx show|| |186
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ID объявления: #238419 (added by registered user, registration date: 11-01-2014)
Added/Updated: 23-09-2024 11:06  (current, until: 09-23-2025)
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