Region:Cherkasskaya oblast. (Bul. Shevchenko 266/1) || ||150
Продаем удобрение "Добрый хозяин" на основе Мочевина к1,биопрепаратов и микроэлементов в хелатной форме.
Добрый Хозяин – это новое, жидкое суперудобрение композиция растворимых органических веществ со строго рассчитанным набором макро и микро элементов, regulator of growth and development, possessing insecticidal and repellent properties intended for foliar feeding of cereals , vegetable, melon, garden, berry crops andgrapes by means of spraying and protection of these crops from fungal diseases and pests.(//
Good Host 1 includes biofungicide Trichophyt, Good Host 2 includes bioinsecticide Guapsin.
Applied to plants in the form of foliar feeding, the Good Host effectively levels (without the participation of the roots) the deficiency of nutrients for the near future, relieving stress. It is also interesting that thecomposition of the fertilizer includes a cryoprotectant and its effects on physiological processes ultimately lead to the fact that the plant acquires the ability to develop normally at a temperature 4-6°C lower , which is characteristic of a specific variety or culture. Also, the fertilizer is not salt, and as a result, the water consumption of plants per unit of mass is reduced from 25% to 70%, and there are no nitrates in the product.
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