chicken droppings +NPK - 7500 UAH/t.
Азот 4%,Фосфор 3%, Калій 3%,Кальцій 3%, Сірка 4%,Магній 0,5%.
Organic matter - 50%. Humidity up to 20%.
A round pellet with a diameter of 2-4 mm, 5-7 mm. Packing - big-bag - 1t., bags of 50 kg. etc.
It can be applied with an ordinary fertilizer spreader (watering can) as well as with a seeder.
fertilizers- in the last photo!
The price depends on the quantity!
Different forms of payment are possible!
Logist will help with delivery!
Organic fertilizer that is quickly and easily absorbed by plants and increases soil productivity. Of all types of organic fertilizers, granulated chicken manure is considered the most valuable as a fertilizer. Its composition contains available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as calcium, which contributes to soil deacidification. Advantages and rates of applying granulated fertilizers from chicken droppings to the soil: Fertilization of trees,
cereals, vegetables, and industrial crops with chicken droppings has very different rates of applying - from 200 to 2000 kg/ Ha. Provides balanced nutrition of all agricultural plants, fruit trees, bushes, seedlings, as a result we get ecologically clean products. An increase in yield by 20-35%, the quality of the crop improves. Accelerates crop ripening by 10-15 days. Increases the content of dry matter in sg cultures. Improves the composition and properties of soils: restores the humus layer, saturates the soil with humic and fulvic acids, balances acidity, ensures enhanced growth of beneficial microflora, increases soil fertility for a long time (up to 3 years). Strengthens the resistance of plants to adverse environmental conditions and diseases.