STAND, OVERHAUL OF TNVD fuel equipment
Hinged equipment
- HEAD GASKET DIESEL CYLINDER BLOCK 6Ч12 / 14, 4Ч10.5 / 13, 4Ч8.5 / 11
оборудование електрическое
Starter for diesel engines 6h12 / 14, 4h10.5 / 13, etc.
Diesel engine repair, diesel engine maintenance
-ships, cranes, locomotives, diesel generator stations, spare parts (ZIP), start-up and adjustment, electricians
- Defect repair, travel to any region of Ukraine, diesel engine repair at our base
Repair of Soviet and foreign diesel engines
1d6-1d12, u1d6, 3d6-3d12, 7d6-7d12, 1d20, 3d20, 5d20, utd-20, B-6, B-32, B-46, B-54, 6chn12 / 14, 6h12 / 14, 4h8. 5 / 11, 2h8.5 / 11, 4h10 5 / 13, 6chn21 / 21, 6chn25 / 34, 8chn25 / 34, 6chn18 / 22, G-60, G-70, Nvd-24, Nvd-26, Nvd-36 , Nvd-48, Scoda 160, 275, 320, Volvo, CAT, Doitz, Perkins, Wartsila, D-49, D-50, K6S310DR, Zetor, Wola H-6, H-12, SW-266, SW-400 , SW-680 MIELEZ, 6чн23 / 30, Rumo, Khabarovets, etc.
Turbine repair, fuel equipment repair, crankshaft installation, etc.
Repair kit of water pumps
pumps fresh water diesel engines 6h12 / 14, 4h10.5 / 13
Fuel equipment of ship and crane diesel engines 6ch12 / 14, 4ch10.5 / 13, 4ch8.5 / 11, 1d6-1d12, 3d6-3d12, Utd-20, 1d20, 3d20, 5d20, 7d6-7d12, B-46, B -54
Spare parts of TNVD (fuel pumps)
Overhaul of fuel equipment / tuning / stand
The nozzle as a whole
Cam shaft
Plunger pairs
Injection valves
Stop device
Diesel charging generators 6chn12 / 14, 4ch10.5 / 13, etc.
6чн12 / 14 / 4ч10.5 / 13 diesel engines in the assembly of the first set, overhaul of a marine diesel engine, repair of diesel generators, spare parts, spare parts.
Cylinder covers, cylinder heads complete with valves and guides for diesel engines 6х12 / 14, 4х10.5 / 13, etc.
Viber / Watsap for foreign countries
DHA-315 (315 kW) diesel generator with
diesel 6chn25 / 34 in excellent working condition, diesel generator stations of various capacities
Viber / watsap for foreign countries
Spare parts for ships, steamships, ships, tugboats, diesel engines, ship equipment, ship supplies
Viber / Watsap for foreign countries
Diesel fresh water pumps 1D12-3D12
Absolutely new
Spare parts of marine diesel locomotive crane engines
Spare parts for engines: 5D2, 5D2M, 5D4, DP26, DP18, DP45, DS25, Caspian 30M, Caspian 40, 8D6s, 8D6, 10D6, DS55, DS35
Marine diesels and auxiliary engines: DS25, Kaspiy-30M, 5D2M, 5D4, DHA-16 / 1500 (for 230V and 380V), DGKP-10M
Spare parts for engines: 1D12, 1D6, 1D6-100, 1D6-100AD, 1D6-150, 1D6-150AD, 2D6, 3D12, 3D6, 3D6S, 7D12, D12A, D12sp, D6, D6S, D6S-150, D6Sspecial, D12A -375B, 1D12-400, 1D12B, 1D12BM, 1D12B-300K, 1D12B-300, 2D12B, 3D12A, 3D12AL, 7D12A-1 A
Compressors and spare parts for them: 4VU0, 6-8 / 3, 5U2, 2VU0, 25-0, 3 / 7, 3M4, 2VU0, 35-0, 5 / 7, 3M, 2VU0, 6-1, 0 / 7 . -1 / 17M4, 2VU1, 5-2.5 / 26M1, EKP-70 / 25M1, EKP-210 / 25M1, EKP-280 / 25M1, 2VU2, 5-2, 5 / 31ОМ5, K2-150, EK2-150 (obshepromyshlennoe исполнение), EK2-150 (marine исполнение), EKPA-2 / 150, KR-2, AKR-2, AKR-21, VT1, 5-0.3 / 150 (A1-A7), KR-25, UBOV-0.3 / 150M2
Spare parts for engines: 6ChN18 / 22-DD202, DD203, DD205, DD206, DD212, DD213, 6ChSPN18 / 22-DD107, DD108, DD208, DD209, 8ChSPN18 / 22-DD103, DD104, D GR1A100 / 750, DGR1A160 / 750, DGR1A200 / 750
Spare parts for diesel engines and diesel generators: DGR200 / 500-2 (6Ch 25 / 34-2), DGR300 / 500-1 (6ChN 25 / 34), DHA315 (6ChN25 / 34-7) DHA500 (8ChN25 / 34-4) , DGR320 / 500 (6ChN 25 / 34-3), DGR400 / 500-2 (8ChN 25 / 34-2), DGR500 / 500 (8ChN 25 / 34-3); 8ChNP25 / 34
Spare parts for diesel engines DR30 / 50, D-49, D-50, 14Д40, 6ЧН21 / 21 (211Д), 4Ч8.5 / 11, 2Ч8.5 / 11, K661 6х12 / 14, 2Ч10.5 / 13,
4Ч10.5 / 13, B-2, B-32, B-46, B-54, UTD-20,1D20,3D20,5D20,6Ч23 / 30,6ЧН23 / 34, Scoda,
SKL, NVD-24, NVD-26, NVD-36, NVD-48, VD26 / 20, CAT, VOLVO, M-400, M-756, M-401, RUMO, 1D6-1D12, 3D6-3D12, G- 60, Г-70, 2Д100, 10Д100, ZETOR, WOLA Н-6, Н-12, SW-266, SW-400, SW-680, ЯМЗ-236 / 238, А-01, PERKINS, MERSEDES, SULZER, MITSUBISI , DOITZ, MANN, spare parts for marine reverse gear units, reverse gear units in the first complete set, etc.
Maintenance and overhaul of marine diesel engines and diesel generating stations, marine and stationary compressors, turbocompressors of diesel engines
Viber / Watsap for foreign countries
Spare parts for diesel engines
- Overhaul of diesel engine
-Diesel -generator stations
-Diesel engines of the first complete set
-Production of non-standard equipment
-Expert inspection of cargo-lifting equipment, Chto, Pto
-Laboratory of welding seam control
- a list of diesel engines
-4Ch 8.5 / 11 Dagdiesel engine spare parts
- Dgp-14 / 1500-1 diesel generator
Dgkn pump-14 / 1500-1
- Diesel generator Dgr 1A16 / 1500 (A16)
Engine 5D2 (Dagdiesel)
-6Ch 9.5 / 11 Dagdiesel engine spare parts
- spare parts 4Ch 10.5 / 13
6Ch 12 / 14
-Spare parts 3D6 -D12, 1D6-1D12, U1D6, 7D6-7D12, B-46, B-54, B-55, Utd-20, 1D20. 3D20, 5D20
6th June 18 / 22
6 (8) ChN 25 / 34
6 (8) ChN 23 / 30
G60, G70, G72, G74 (Rumo)
Skoda 6S 160PN, 6S160, 6L160, 6L160PN, 6S160PN, 6L160PNS, 6S160PNS spare parts
Nvd-48U, NVD-48AU, NVD-48A2U spare parts of engines Skl
Nvd-36 engine spare parts Skl
Nvd-26 engine spare parts Skl
Chn 40 / 46 (Pielstick Pс2-5) "Russian diesel"
Dprn 23 / 2x30 (Russian diesel)
Dr 30 / 50 "Russian diesel"
Engine Yaaz-204, 206, spare parts
ChN 18 / 20, ChN 16 / 17
Skoda-160 marine engine
Marine engine 6Ch 23 / 30
Skoda -275 engine (Skoda 6L27.5 A2L) spare parts
Engines D6-D12 (6Ch 15 / 18) "Barnaultransmash"
Spare parts for diesel engines M-400, M-401, M-753, M-756B-1, M-607, M-623, M-628
Yamz marine engines, 6Chn 18 / 22, Skoda-160, 6Ch12 / 14
Sulzer Zgoda Td / Tad-48, Td / Tad-36 spare parts
Sulzer Al 25 / 30 spare parts
Sulzer Ban-22, spare parts
Wartsila Vassa 22, 32, 624TS spare parts
Marine diesels series Wd615 / Wd618
Diesels, Boni Motori Marini spare parts,
-Spare parts of marine diesel engines Caterpillar, Volvo, Mann, Burgomister, Sw-680, Mercedes, Doitz, Perkins
6Chn21 / 21 (211D), D-50, D-49
2D100, 10D100 spare parts
Marine diesel engines and diesel-reducer units of size ЧН18 / 20
D42 type diesel spare parts
Td226 Weichai-Deutz, spare parts
Engine Nvd-26
Engine Nvd-36
Engine Nvd-48
Scoda 160, Scoda 275, Scoda 320, Skl
B6190 spare parts for the engine (B4190, B8190) Jinan Diesel Engine
Engines A-01, A-41, D-447, D-467 and their spare parts
Diesel generator Dgr2-30 / 1500-Rd 1143
Ship refrigerators
Diesel engine U1D6, spare parts
U2D6 engine, spare parts
VD 26 / 20 engine spare parts
Marine diesel engines Weichai X170Zc (8170, 6170), spare parts
Engine G70
G-60 engine (6ChN 36 / 45)
MTU 396 series, spare parts
Sulzer AL 20 / 24, spare parts
Volvo Penta D30A-MT, D30A-Ms, D25A-Mt engines, spare parts
Spare parts for main and auxiliary ship, locomotive, crane engines of models:
Wartsila, Sulzer, Stork, Rolls Royce-Bergen, Man B&W, Man, Deutz, Perkins Engines, Mak, Volvo-Penta, Mtu, SKL, Adriadiesel, Guascor, Scania, Pielstik, Bauduoin, Sole Diesel, Lister Petter, Zgoda, Šcoda , Nohab, Paxman, Kelvin Diesel, Cigielski, Mirrlees Blackstone, John Deere, RUSTON, Wichmann, Mitsubisi, Himsen, Nohab, Ysnmar, Daihatsu, Caterpillar, Cummins, Ч10.5 / 13, 6Ч12 / 14), 4Ч8.5 / 11 , 6 (8) Chn25 / 34, 1D6, 1D12,3D6,7D6, U1D6,7D12,3D12,, Daldiesel (Chn / Chspn) 18 / 22, Dagdiesel (4Ч8,5 / 11, 6Ч9,5 / 11), Rumo (ЧН36 / 45, ЧН23 / 30) etc.
- Pumps:
Desmi, Allweiler Pumps, Imo Pump, Naniva, Iron Pump, Kral Pumps, Ksb PUMP, Garbarino Pump, Hamworthy Pumps, Danfoss and others. etc.
- Filtering elements:
Fleetguard, Boldwin, Filtrex, Boll&Kirch and others. etc.
Hatlsra, Sabroe, Sperre, Carrier, Atlas-Copco, Dogin, York, Bock, Grasso, Bitzer, Sperre, Bristol, Hamwortny Comressors, Deno, K2-150, 2OK1, Pk-35, K2Lok, and. etc.
Delivery to any region of Ukraine, near and far abroad.
Non-standard equipment, Ship Zip, spare parts of marine diesel engines, overhaul of diesel engines, spare parts for cranes, walking and rotary excavators
Ship equipment, Ship equipment, Ship parts, etc.
-Spare parts of rolling stock, track equipment, diesel locomotives, stirrups, automotive engines, railway cranes, diesel engines, overhaul, Zip
- spare parts for diesel engines D-50, D-49, 6ChN21 / 21 (211D), 1D6-1D12, KS310DR, B-46, B-55, B-56, UTD-39, 1D20, 3D20, 5D20
-Spare parts of diesel locomotives TGM-4, TGM-4A, TGM-4B, ChME-2 (3), TGK-2 (3), ADM, AGV, DGUKU, MPT-4 (6), Drezina, crane on the KDE railway track- 25, KDE-16, KZHDE-25, KZHDE-16, KZh, EDK, etc.
Viber / Watsap for foreign countries
throughout the territory of Ukraine, Near and Far Abroad
-Zip for mountain walking and rotary excavators ESH, ECG, etc.
Spare parts for diesel engines
- Overhaul of diesel engine
-Diesel -generator stations
-Diesel engines of the first complete set.
- Manufacturing of non-standard equipment
-Expert inspection of cargo-lifting equipment, Chto, Pto
-Laboratory of welding seam control