UKR rus
 / Cereals  / Different cereals + in assortment  / Grain: soy, corn, barley I will buy
I will buy
Grain: soy, corn, barley I will buy, Volyn region.
Зерно: соя, кукурудза, ячмінь куплю
I will buy

Grain: soybean, corn, barley I will buy, Volyn region.

Price370 UAH. / ton
Region:all of Ukraine, Volyn region. (Dubno)
Purpose of grain: Food grain
Quantity: 100 tons
I buy for cash variousgrains, здебільшого в Західній Україні (millet in all regions)!

Non-GMO soybeans at $390/ton with delivery to the base, without delivery the price will vary due to transportation costs by $10-15, i.e. soybeans from the Lviv region will be approximately $380.
Yellow millet - specify the price (for the cheapest - from 5,500 hryvnias/ton) on the spot.

Rapak - $360 from the spot with basic indicators. Preferably from 100 tons (3 cars), but I will also consider a smaller amount. It is possible to buy other crops. Also, I suggest you look at my ads for fertilizers - there is a fairly large assortment of granular and humate (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and complex) products at reasonable prices from the manufacturer.

Be healthy! Goodness and harmony in your home!

Fertilizer of our own production!

UnionYuhan and StimOrganik offers you quality products of domestic production. Relying on modern technologies of granulation and development of humates from leonardite, we can guarantee the effectiveness of the effect of our products onyielding Your crops!
Don't delay: write, call - we will advisebest :)

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ID объявления: #1309455 (added by a registered user, registration date: 07-23-2024)
Added/Updated: 04-11-2024 12:28  (relevant, until: 04-11-2025)
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