услуги on the sorting And the purification of grain, legumes and oily crops from the pastes, the mossor and the second treadmill, as well as the sorter of sip materials on
= design photoseparata. Фотосепарация – это относительно новая технология по очистке сыпучих материалов, которая недавно появилась и уже приобретает большую популярность. С помощью этой технологии зерновые можно сортировать не только по сортам, форме, размерам. Программное обеспечение
Photospheriter allows drafts to flow on flowering, freight, thickness and even fit the cell. The excellence of the contemporary photoshoerators allow the sorting of the reinforced or infected grains. We have a robbery with such products as Kak: Semen Podsolnitsnik, Semyon Kunzhuta, nucleus of podisolnechnik, buckwheat, seven tickwa, rice, wheat, peas, rapeseed, nucleus, millet, millet, semen alfalfa, soybean, soybe Rozh, wheat oats. We can also cleanse the sorting of the second products of the reserve, with the pre -trial analms of the samples and the constituent non -existent parameters of sorting or purification. The challenge would not be set, the photosharator will help you get a cleaner clean product. The arrangement of themes and is avoided that it is united by the illustrations - with a high -yielding result ... On the exit it is possible to get a grain, purified to 99.9%. For digestion, mechanical sorters allow you to cleanse the cleaning of 80 to 94%. The deposition of photoseprators when purification of grain is allowed to take the finished product on the staffing new rails and the themes will make the income of the pre -trial. The form of pay. Tsen Contracting