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Ultragumat organo-mineral fertilizer, Kyiv
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Organo-mineral fertilizer "ultragumat", Kyiv

Price140 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv   (G. Kyiv, Mykytenka Street 7v, office 52)
Organic humic fertilizer "ULTRAGUMAT+".
"Ultrahumat+" microfertilizer is a plant growth and development stimulator, a patented substance obtained in factory conditions with the help of advanced technology: ultrasonic gas-jet acoustic cavitation in the module for the synthesis of humic substances (the plant is organically fertilized). "Ultrahumat+" is a humic fertilizer (colloid-emulsion solution with microelements) made from natural, ecologically clean raw material sapropel (mud of freshwater reservoirs). It contains the whole range of nutritious macro- and microelements, stimulating substances, balanced by nature itself. "Ultrahumat+" is a humic suspension of increased biological activity with trace elements. It has the properties of a growth stimulator, an adaptogen to adverse environmental conditions - drought, frost, excess moisture, etc. Ultrahumate is intended for processing planting material, fertilizing during the growing season of agricultural crops both in the open and in protected soil, both on the soil and on leaves during plant vegetation. Useful agricultural properties of sapropel have been known for a long time. We created and applied a new technology (without chemical participation) of sapropel extraction, which not only made it possible to preserve the natural properties of the raw material, but also increased its activity. At the same time, we helped the unique natural humic substance to concentrate its physical properties so that the norms of its use decreased 1000 times, while preserving the entire range of natural properties of the raw material. The applied technology makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly humic-containing suspensions without chemical reagents with stable quantitative and qualitative characteristics and increased biological activity. Sapropel was chosen as the starting material because it contains water-soluble and difficult-to-hydrolyze substances, humic, hymatomelonic, fulvic acids, amino acids, sugars, peptides, cellulose, lignin, lipids, carotenoids, xanthophylls, alcohols, ketones, carboxylic acids, chlorophyll derivatives, alkaloids, metalloporphyrins, phospholipids. Effect of "Ultrahumat+" fertilizer on the soil: "Ultrahumat+" microfertilizer participates in the formation of soil structure and the development of microflora. On light sandy soils, it promotes the accumulation of humus (1% in two years of application), reduces the loss of water and nutrients. On heavy clay soils - it ventilates and loosens it, increases the supply of oxygen, contributes to the improvement of its processing, protects the soil biota and plant cover in extreme conditions. Prevents erosion as well as the possibility of covering the soil with a crust. Provides processes of desalination of salted, salted lands. Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil, optimizes the water balance. It helps to regulate the pH of the environment. "Ultrahumat+" acts as a chelator in relation to metal ions (ca, mg, mn, co, cu, fe, mo, etc.), ensuring fast transportation and creating conditions for their free, unhindered absorption by the root system and leaves of plants. Humates are natural chelators. The presence of humates in the soil, in the solution, eliminates the need for the chelation process of metal ions. "Ultrahumat+" fixes soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones, reducing their leaching. Has a high exchange capacity of cations. It promotes the transformation of nutrients into a form available for plant perception and ensures their transportation. Reduces the application rate of mineral fertilizers (by 30% or more). Binds heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides, chemical pollutants, preventing their penetration into the root system. It contributes to the utilization of the remains of chemical plant protection agents and other harmful metabolites, which leads to a decrease in the chemical load on the soil. "Ultrahumat+" is compatible with allfertilizers andplant protection means, therefore, it does not require separate costs for ego input. The effect of microfertilizer "Ultrahumat+" on the plant: "Ultrahumat+" makes available many nutrients that were previously unavailable, promotes the development of many useful bacteria, has a biostimulating effect on the growth and development of the plant, increases its immunity. The microfertilizer produced by the plant provides an increase in yield (30-50%), acceleration of the soil humification process (1.0% in two years of application), increasing its fertility, reducing iron deficiency and preventing the occurrence of chlorosis in plants. When plants are treated with microfertilizer "ultragumat+", the content of vitamins and minerals in it increases, plant growth is stimulated due to the acceleration ofcell division. The commodity value of the harvest increases due to: ecological purity of the obtained product, improvement of its commercial appearance, nutritional properties. Humic acid intensifies the synthesis of nucleic acids, strengthens the plant by participating in protein synthesis, acts on the plant both through the leaves and through the roots. The fertilizer contains about 70 trace elements. "Ultrahumat+" intensifies the perception of ultraviolet rays, the processes of plant respiration and photosynthesis. It has a positive effect on the metabolism, reduces the entry of chemical pollutants into the plant, reduces the amount of nitrates in production, increases the content of sugars, proteins and vitamins. Reduces application doses of mineral fertilizers (by 30%), plant protection agents (by 50%). Increases the germination and energy of seed germination (six times) during processing, root formation, and as a result, a high yield. The effect of microfertilizer can be traced for ten years from the moment of application. "Ultrahumat+" is not toxic. Not explosive. In case of contact with the skin, it is sufficient to wash with water. Work in rubber gloves. It is stored in warehouses in sealed packaging at a temperature of -1 - +35 degrees. The shelf life is three years from the date of manufacture. The shelf life of dry matter is not limited.
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