Inoculant (fertilizer) for alfalfa is an effective alternative to mineral nitrogen fertilizers. It can also be used to process soybeans,
peas and chickpeas.
Designed to provide plants with available nitrogen and its systematic accumulation in the soil. Contributes to timely formation of tubers, increases yield and adds protein content in beans.
Please note: we recommend following the instructions on the package. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product in case of proper transportation, storage and use.
Usage rate: 20 g of inoculant per 10 kg of seeds.
Composition: Based on strains of nodule bacteria "Bradyrhizobium japonicum", "Rhizobium"
Active factor content (bacterial cell titer):
in 1 g of the drug is at least 4-5 billion.
Shelf life: 24 months
Nominal content: 20 grams
Method of application per hectare:
- Seed treatment is carried out by standard semi-dry spraying or knapsack sprayer. To prepare a solution for 100 kg of seeds: dissolve 200 grams of inoculant in 1 liter of non-chlorinated water, add the seeds and mix thoroughly.
- Seed treatment with inoculant can be carried out in seed boxes
planters. For 100 kg of seeds, add 200 grams of inoculant to the seed box and mix thoroughly.
Method of application per hectare: 173
- Обробка насіння здійснюється стандартним напівсухим протруюванням або ранцевим оприскувачем. Для приготування розчину на 10 кг насіння: розчиніть 20 грамів інокулянта в 100 мл нехлорованої води, додайте насіння і ретельно перемішайте.
- Seed treatment with inoculant can be carried out in seed boxes of planters. For 10 kg of seeds, add 20 grams of inoculant to the seed box and mix thoroughly.
- Using the inoculant as a working solution (see the first method) is the most correct method of application.
- The second method of processing is acceptable for intensive sowing. That is, when there is a shortage of sowing units on large areas of sowing or when the optimal terms are shortened due to weather conditions.
The price is for 20 grams