Region:all of Ukraine,Киевская обл. (М. Тараща, вул. Б. Хмельницького, 1)
Systemic protection of plants and soil from soil pathogens
Universal soil biofungicide with high specific activity. Effectively affects the decomposition of organic compounds, enriching the soil with nitrogen, strengthening the mobilization of phosphorus and potassium, protecting against pathogens of soil microflora, inhibiting the development and reproduction of pathogens (alternaria, white rot, rhizoctoniosis, black leg, phytophthora, fusarium). Stimulates plant growth and immunity, restores soil fertility. (//
Composition, CFU / ml: Bacillus subtilis strain - 500-700 million. The amount of foreign microorganisms is no more than 2%.
Application and norms: cultivation and melioration - 0.2 l / 10 l of water, cultivate; detoxification - 0.2 l / 10 l of water, cultivate; treatment of plant residues - 0.2 l / 10 l of water, cultivate; preparation of manure and compost - 0.25 l / 1 l of water / 1 m2 of biomass; prevention of soil diseases - 0.1-0.5 l / 10 l of water, cultivate.
100% soluble preparation, compatible with all fertilizers. For the prevention of diseases, the rates indicated in the table are used, the rate can be increased by 2-5 times depending on the degree of contamination and contamination of the soil. State registration certificate: А 05596.