Potassium/sodium humate with trace elements Humate LF20 Humate LF 20 Humate LF 20 is a concentrated organo-mineral fertilizer. Plant growth stimulator and soil conditioner based on humic acids from high-grade leonardite. Specially designed to increase the yield and quality of all agricultural and garden crops.
How Humate LF20 works Due to the high content of humic acids, Humate LF20 promotes the development of the root system, which contributes to the increase of resistance to drought, enhances the efficiency of mineral nutrition and assimilation of macro and microelements by the plant.
Advantages of Humate LF 20 Increases yield and improves the quality of crops Stimulates plant growth and development of the root system Reduces stress caused by abiotic factors, diseases and the use of pesticides Promotes better germination of seeds and planting material When processing seeds, promotes a more complete disclosure of the genetic potential of the plant Increases plant immunity Improves the structure and soil fertility Contributes to soil self-cleansing from pesticides and heavy metals Regulates soil mineralization and salinity Catalyzes the rapid destruction of toxins in the soil
Humate LF20 cost norms
Seed treatment: 0.6 l / t.
Soaking bulbs, tubers, seedlings: 50 g per 10 liters of water.
Processing during the growing season: 0.2-0.4 l / ha 4-5 times per season.
Drip irrigation: 3 l/10 m3 of water (after sowing, in stressful situations)
Greenhouses, hydroponics: 30-50 ml/100 l of water or nutrient solution (every 7-10 days)
Vegetables, berries: 30-50 ml/100 l of water or nutrient solution (every 7-10 days). A 30-50% increase in consumption rates for the processing of high-yielding crops (vegetable, fruit, oil crops), as well as on sandy and loamy soils with a low content of organic matter, is permissible.
Instructions for use Humate LF20 The drug is used alone or together with pesticides and mineral fertilizers. When diluting together to a common solution, Numate LF20 should be added first. A preliminary compatibility test is recommended.