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Salad Codex of the Salanova line, buttery delicate taste, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Продам Салат Кодекс линейки Саланова, маслянистый нежный вкус
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Salad Codex of the Salanova line for sale, oily delicate taste, Dnepropetrovsk region.

Region: Dnepropetrovsk region. (Dnipro)
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This species is distinguished by small, loosely formed heads and a particularly mild taste. Buttery salad is a standard of taste and texture.

The head is dense, formed from tender leaves of a rounded shape. The color of the Codex is light green and greenish-red.

Beautiful leaves of the buttery lettuce variety are a great addition tofresh salads and sandwiches, and they are also used to form rolls. Like many other salads, Codex leaves are not cut with a knife, but simply torn into pieces by hand. So the leaves do not oxidize and stay fresh longer.(//tractor-service.com)

The upper leaves of lettuce can be a little bitter, so they are not used in food.

Benefits of leafy buttery salad

The oily surface of these varieties is due to the increased content of vitamin E (tocopherol). This vitamin has anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and vasodilator properties, and it is also considered a cardioprotector.
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