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tea weighing plantation, sets of tea 50 grams, Kiev
sell / buy

= Tea Weight Plantation, kits of tea 50 grams, Kiev

= price 295 UAH Vasylkivska, 32)
Регион: вся Украина, Киев   (Вул. Васильківська, 32)
Більше 80 сортів чаю 13 видів, класичні та ароматизовані чаї, трав'яні та фруктові суміші, а також ройбуш, мате і пуер. Tea only fresh crop, packaging 100 grams.
We offer three tasting sets of tea 50 grams.

The tasting set of tea # 1 is six types of classic plantation tea of ​​50 grams. This is a great option to try different types of classic tea from different plantations, as well as make it pleasant to your friends, loved ones and relatives. Black Ceylon, black Indian, green Chinese, semi -enzyme tea with Fr. Taiwan, white tea.

The tasting set of tea # 2 is six varieties of flavored tea of ​​different species of 50 grams. The set includes black flavored, green flavored, blend of black and green tea, herbal tea.

= The tasting set of tea # 3 is eight varieties of weight tea of ​​different species of 50 grams. In the set is black flavored, green flavored, semi -enzyme tea with Fr. Taiwan, Herbal, Fruit, Roybush, Mate, Puer.

Buying a set you can split tea from a set together with colleagues, friends, relatives.
Each variety you can buy separately from the set at a price price. Also in the range of more than 70 varieties of quality coffee in grains and ground, Arabica monosters 100 %, Robusti 100 %, coffee blends,
Також в асортименті більше 70 сортів якісної кави в зернах та меленої, моносорти арабіки 100 %, робусти 100%, кавові купажі, flavored coffee= (chocolate, Irish cream, cherry, cognac etc.), the solution is sublimated coffee. Passion from 100 gr. Frying coffee daily, free grinding for Turks or coffee maker.

11 sets of nuts and dried fruits are the optimal vitamin-mineral charge. Take a few packages to share with your friends or with colleagues.

Delivery all over Ukraine. In Kiev - free from 1 kg.

The site https: //
Kyiv, str. Vasylkivska, 32
Ukrainian Coffee Company LTD
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Добавлено / Обновлено: 19-12-2024 11:23   (Topically, to: 19-12-2025)
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