Product packaging is not just a tribute to fashion. This is concern for the convenience of the user, a tool for recognizing the manufacturer's brand. It is more convenient for the consumer to buy packaged vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits.
We offer
services sorting, selection, packaging of potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, apples,
mandarins, || |165
апельсин, pears in bags, nets of 1, 2, 3 kg.
All fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits are sorted and sorted. Only high-quality fruits and vegetables are included in the package. Packaging is the face of the product. Buyers who are satisfied with the quality of the purchased vegetables and fruits will strive to purchase exactly such vegetables and fruits.
Fulfillment of orders for the packaging of potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, apples, pears, and mandarins exactly on time. Call, we will agree on the price.
Phone: +380xxxxxxMalyn Fektori).
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