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Ukr = ==
/= oils, technical=/= Rastropsha  /  Розторопша ціна 100 грам
sell/buy | || 104
Розторопша ціна 100 грам, Львовская обл.
Розторопша ціна 100 грам
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thistle Price 100 grams, Lviv region

cena40 UAH (Borislav, Truskavets)
Регион: вся Украина, Львовская обл.   (Борислав, Трускавець)
milk thistle ПЛЯМИСТА
Біологічно активні речовини, що містяться у плодах milk thistle flat (flavonoid Silymarin and its chief isomer sibin), cause hepatoprotective, choleretic, choleral, membrane, membranostabilizing. metabolic processes in the liver, increase the resistance of hepatocytes to the effects of negative environmental factors, promote faster recovery, namely: normalize metabolic processes in the liver, increase the resistance of hepatocytes to the effects Increase the formation and secretion of bile, secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.   (// tractor-service.com)
Показання для застосування.У складі комплексної терапії хронічних гепатитів, хронічних холеци­ститів, цирозу печінки, жирової дистрофії печінки, токсичних уражень печінки.
= Method of use and dose.Serose: 1 teaspoon of crushed fruits 30 minutes before meals, washed with water 3-5 times a day for 45-60 days, 2-3 times a year.
= It is possible to brew the drug and use it in the form of infusion: 1 teaspoon of fruit is poured 1 cup boiling water, infused for 10-20 minutes and filtered. Take warm, small sips, 1 glass 3 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunch 30 minutes before meals and in the evening - at bedtime. 100grams-40UAH
shop, contacts
= Maria Nikolaevna/=. || 165  /  Active Activity = Show
Телефон: 0675xxxxxx показать
Prepare or Supervigoda? Observe! | 206
ID объявления: #1166101 (added to the registrated clerk, the date of registration: 19-06-2020)
Добавлено / Обновлено: 27-08-2024 13:19   (Topical, to: 27-08-2025)
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Indications / Suspension for Today:?, All:? Specified Indications for Use. In the composition of complex therapy of Chronic hepatitis, Chronic Cholecystitis, Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver, Toxic Liver Lesions.
Indications for use. In the composition of complex therapy of chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, toxic liver lesions.
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= Cherkasy Region 50 UAH
Продам росторопшу
Vinnytsia region
Расторопша, плоды
Запорожская обл.
Розторопша (плоди, насіння)
= Vinnytsia Region Crowning in the rubric "Dztorope"