UKR rus
 / Agricultural services  / Soil cultivation  / Services for renting a seeder of a sowing complex...
I will provide a service
Services for rent of a seeder of a seeding complex, no-till No-Till, Rovno buckwheat, beans, Rivne region.
Услуги аренда сеялки посевного комплекса посев по нулю ноутилл No-Till Ровно гречки фасоли
I will provide a service

Rental services seeders of the seeding complex sowing at zero notill No-Till Rovno buckwheat beans, Rivne region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Roven region. (Equally)
Services по посеву уборке урожая, обработке земли, аренда сельхозтехники негабаритные перевозки по Ровенской области и Украине.
Author, contacts
Sergey /  отзывы, инфо.activity evaluation
Phone: 096-xxxxxx show
Prepayment or a super-bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself with it!
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ID объявления: #1133744 (added by a registered user, registration date: 04-01-2015)
Added/Updated: 08-26-2024 08:28  (relevant, until: 26-08-2025)
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