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Disinfection of premises in the presence of birds and animals polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride, Dnipropetrovsk region.
Дезинфекция помещений в присутствии птицы и животных полигексаметиленгуанидин гидрохлорид
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Disinfection of premises in the presence of birds and animals polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride, Dnepropetrovsk region.

Price650 UAH.
Region:all Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk Region. (Dnipropetrovsk Region. City of Dnipro Railway Station Topolya-2)
The price is for 1 liter of concentrate
AGRO-DOBRO LLC is an official dealer of PF TERMIT and offers a means for preventive, forced, current and final disinfection of poultry premisesincubators, incubation and hatching cabinets, surfacesскорлупы инкубационных яиц, for disinfection of water supply and drinking systems, poultry processing shops, eggs, slaughterhouses and meat processing shops, food markets, places where small animals and birds are kept, equipment and inventory, technological equipment, apparatus , containers, surfaces of instruments, overalls of objects of the agro-industrial complex, vet points, laboratories, clinics and pharmacies of veterinary medicine, at enterprises producing veterinary drugs, vehicles and other objects subject to veterinary supervision.
"ZOODIZIN" (0.3-0.5% --- 3 ml of Zoodizin per 997 ml of water), incubators, incubation and hatching cabinets, hatching eggs (0.3% -3 ml per 997 ml of water), water supply and drinking systems, workshops for the processing of poultry, eggs (1-1.5% - 10 ml of Zoodisin per 990 ml of water), 2% - 20 ml for the disinfection of places of keeping infected birds and animals.(//tractor-service.com)
Certificate of state registration No. AV-08186-03-18 dated December 27, 2018
Disinfectant "ZOODISIN" - bactericidal, virulicidal and fungicidal for use in veterinary medicine.
100 ml of the drug contain: polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride - 21.0%, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride - 3.0%
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