Note: the account, ads and any other information posted on the site will not be deleted.
Any feedback is published on behalf of the author, so by a link to the author's (user's) page.
Any feedback (positive, neutral, negative) is published only with the consent of the addressee (seller), refusal to publish a confirmed negative feedback leads to the blocking of the account of the addressee (seller)
Author of the review (buyer):
Review addressee (seller):
Publication of negative reviews
In order to publish a negative review from the author (buyer), proof of the fact of the transaction (purchase/sale/service) is required. These can be photos/scans of checks/documents/declarations, photos of goods, etc.
The administrator verifies the presented evidence of the fact of the transaction and the text of the review. If the provided facts of the transaction are sufficient: the administrator confirms the negative feedback and requires its publication from the addressee (seller). Usually, a publication period of 3 days is established. For the addressee (seller), until the resolution of the issue with feedback, all the main functions of the site are blocked.
The addressee (seller) can refuse to publish a negative review confirmed by facts, but after the end of the set period of publication, it will be blocked indefinitely.
The current system of publishing negative reviews has proven its effectiveness.
С одной стороны, полученный, но еще неопубликованный, отрицательный отзыв часто способствует быстрому решению вопроса со стороны адресата (продавца) и отмены отзыва автором (покупателем) еще до его публикации, с другой - система существенно усложняет написание негативных отзывов конкурентам.
Practice shows that the majority of negative reviews are not confirmed or deleted at the initiative of their authors (often as a result of the solution to the issue).
Good reviews for you...
The rules of the site prohibit the management of several accounts by one user or from one computer.
For accounts that are managed by a service or a specialist in hosting, these restrictions are removed.
Placement methods:
Important: in order for user accounts that are managed by a service or a declared placement specialistNO restrictions to be applied, you should work as a declared service or placement specialist.
Advantage: the ability to update all ads on the account in one click
In order to start working as a service or an advertised placement specialist, you must provide the following information to the administrator once:
There are no restrictions on the number of accounts that are created by verified services or specialists in the placement of classifieds.
The system automatically tracks connections between accounts that are managed by a service or specialist in the placement of classifieds and prescribes permissions for all new accounts.
If the connection between the accounts could not be established automatically (for example, as a result of a computer change) and restrictions were applied - one letter to the administrator (from the contact e-mail) is enough to solve the problem.|| |272
Cервис или специалист по размещению объявлений не должен размещать объявления, которые могут нарушать правила доски объявлений.
We will welcome any suggestions to improve / simplify the work with the site for services and/or specialists in the placement of an obj .